Oven Baked Jollof Rice
2 cups of rice (250ml cups)
3 tbsps tomato paste
1 small cup of green peas
2 carrots (peeled & diced)
1 large onion (diced)
1 small cup of oil
1 satchet thyme
1 satchet onga (stew)
3 stock cubes
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp ground white pepper
1 tbsp crushed ginger
Place a medium pot of water on the fire and allow to boil. Add the rice and parbboil for 5-10 minutes.Wash and strain the rice. Put a foil paper in a baking pan. Add the ingredients in the pan covered with foil paper. Stir well. Cover the top with a piece of foil paper. Bake in a preheated oven for 1 hour. After 1 hour, remove from the oven. Jollof Rice (Oven Baked) is ready. Serve alone or with Peppered chicken, meat, salad and enjoy! (c)Asmie's Kitchen
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