Stir Fry Liver & Vegetables
1/4 kg liver (Wash & cut into strips)
3 red bell peppers (deseeded & cut into strips
1 large green bell peppers (deseeded & cut into strips)
1 large onion (diced)
1/2 cup chopped spring onions
2 stock cubes
1/4 tsp Asmie's Kitchen Curry powder
1/4 tsp Asmie's Kitchen Mixed Spices
1/4 tsp Asmie's Kitchen Secret of Cooking Spice
1 tbsp ground ginger, garlic, fresh curry leaves & oregano
1/2 medium cooking spoon oil
(1/2 tsp salt, 1/2 tsp thyme, 2 crushed garlic for boiling the liver)
Place a pot on the fire and add the liver strips. Pour some water to almost cover the content. Sprinkle some salt, a little bit of ground garlic and a dash of thyme. Cook till halfway cooked. Strain and set aside.
Heat some oil in a pan and sautè the ground ginger, garlic, fresh curry leaves and oregano. Add the liver with Asmie's Kitchen Curry powder, Asmie's Kitchen Mixed Spices, Asmie's Kitchen Secret of Cooking Spice, stock cubes and stir fry on medium flame for 5 to 7 minutes. Add the vegetables: red bell peppers, green peppers, onions and spring onions. Stir fry now and then on low flame till the vegetables are almost cooked a and a little bit crunchy. Stir Fry Liver and Vegetables are ready! Serve with fried rice, jollof rice, cous cous, white rice, etc and enjoy!©Asmie's Kitchen
All right reserved. No part of this recipe should be copied or transmitted in any form or by any form or by any means without the consent of the copyright owner ©Asmie's Kitchen
Asmie's Kitchen Aromatic Spices at affordable prices
1. Curry powder. 1500 naira
2. Mixed Spices. 1500 naira
3. Secret of Cooking Spice 2000 naira
4. Jollof Rice Spice. 2000 naira
5. Baharat (Egyptian Spice Mix) 3000 naira
6. Malaysian Curry powder. 3000 naira
7. Ground Pepper (yaji). 2000 naira
8. Ground Garlic 20000 naira
9. Ground Ginger. 2000 naira