Veggies Congee
2 cups of diced potatoes
1 can mushroom
2 diced onions
2 diced green peppers
3 diced red bell peppers
1 handful chopped spring onions
2 diced carrots
1/2 tsp chopped basil leaves
2 stock cubes
1 tsp ground turmeric
1/4 tsp Asmie's Kitchen Mixed Spices
1/4 tsp Asmie's Kitchen Ginger
1/4 tsp Asmie's Kitchen Secret of Cooking Spice
5 tbsps oil
Place a pan on fire. Add the diced potatoes, diced onions, green peppers, red bell peppers, chopped spring onions, carrots, mushrooms, basil leaves, oil, stock cubes and some water, enough to cook the veggies. Cover the pot and cook for 5-7 minutes on medium flame. Season with turmeric, Asmie's Kitchen mixed spices, secret of cooking and tsp ginger. Stir and cook till the veggies are tender, especially the potatoes. Serve a bit watery.©Asmie's Kitchen
All right reserved. No part of this recipe should be copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without the consent of the copyright owner © Asmie's Kitchen