Chin Chin
1 mudu flour (10 or 11 measuring cups of flour. Equivalent to 1 tin of peak milk)
3 eggs (you can use 4)
1 bag margarine
1 cup sugar or milk milk tin (the cup is measuring cup)
1 tbsp baking powder
A dash of salt
1 bottle oil for frying
Milk (optional)
Sift flour in a mixing bowl. Add the baking powder, sugar, little or dash of salt and mix. Add margarine. Mix to combine with hand till it resemble breadcrumbs. Break the eggs and mix with hand too. Add some water and knead. As you are adding, add some water and knead. Knead well to form a soft dough. Beat the dough on a surface or board till soft. Don't add too much water. The dough should be thick. Roll flat on a surface or board. Cut horizontally and cut into medium size.
Heat the oil. Fry the oil with a slice of onion. The heat should be medium flame. When the oil is hot and the onion is golden brown, remove it from the oil and fry the chin chin in batches till golden brown.©Asmie's Kitchen
All right reserved. No part of this recipe should be copied or transmitted in any form or by any means without the consent of the copyright owner ©Asmie's Kitchen
Some add 👇
1* Lemon🍋 zest to their chin chin
2* Milk
3* Lemon juice, some tablespoons. Depending on the quantity of the chin chin.
4*Coconut milk